Friday, November 24, 2006

dirty pretty things

once again, it's the american thanksgiving weekend.....
food, family, football and firearms at the malls.
good times!

having been in the states for a few years now, it never fails to amaze me at how early the holiday shopping blitz comes along......television commercials are all geared at making you spend money you don't have and accumulating shit you don't need, all under the disguise of the holidays and how you're SUPPOSED to buy crap for people you may not actually like......

i say it every year at this time and i'll say it again: i hate the holidays.

sure, that's probably a large blanket statement on the overall time of year, and i certainly don't hate EVERY aspect of the holidays, but it's this commercial blitz that really takes the joy out of this time of year.......

common courtesy goes out the window at this time of year, because goddammit i MUST get to the mall, get that closest parking spot, everyone else be damned!......and that's where the shitiness of the holidays comes into play and when i get turned off by all of it and the stupid people that it creates......

don't believe the hype, people......
you don't need to scream around town, cutting people off in traffic, just to get that great deal on a sweater!
you really don't.

sit on the couch with your family and laugh at all the idiots out there who ARE screaming around town, cutting people off in traffic.

you'll feel SO much better.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

oscar bait

thank god (or whomever) for the fall and the motion picture companies who unload their high profile movies during this time of year......

recent examples (as viewed my moi) would include:
"the departed"
"half nelson"

future examples destined to NOT disappoint:
"the science of sleep"
"the good shepherd"

happy holidays, indeed.....