Tuesday, November 09, 2004

any soldier

whether or not you support the war in Iraq, the fact remains that some 30,000 men and women are over there, away from friends and family, putting their lives on hold, not to mention on the line......

any soldier

the above website gives you clear directions about how to send a carepackage to a soldier overseas.....batteries, magazines, personal hygiene kits, breakfast bars, etc. etc. etc........lots of things that the current administration is not providing these folks.......

as we approach the holiday season, we begin to look back on the year and our lives, and I would imagine nearly every one of us is in a pretty good situation......we have our health, we're employed, and we have the freedom to live our lives as we choose......the least we can do is pack up some goodies from home to share with somebody overseas......

start packing!


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