Monday, August 08, 2005


one week ago today i was here: a jobsite in el paso, texas.

i'm quite happy to report there were no major events on this trip, unlike the first trip back in april.......feel free to check out the archives if you haven't already heard that tale.

the only real snafu on this trip was in dallas, where i was attempting to catch the connecting flight to el paso......we boarded the plane, full to the gills, and waited........tick tick tick tick tick.......minutes go by and the pilot comes on to announce they've found a leak in a hydraulic line......they were going to see if it was a quick fix by tightening a clamp and they'd get back to us........

tick tick tick tick tick.......

pilot comes back on to let us know it wouldn't be a quick fix.......they were going to have replace the line and would be scouring the area to see if a replacement line was available.......he'd get back to us when he knew more......

tick tick tick tick tick.......

pilot comes back on to let us know that a replacement line is NOT readily available, so they'd have to replace the PLANE......he directs everyone to grab their shit and leave the plane and relax in the lounge until they've got the old plane removed and a replacement plane in place to board.......

tick tick tick tick tick......

we ended up waiting at the same gate for nearly 2 hours i would guess before they finally made the call to get boarded........

in the end, i was about 3 hours late getting into el paso.......but thankfully the car rental desk was still open and i grabbed a car without incident.........and the hotel was just around the corner, so i made it there successfully and hit the pillow.

the return trip was thoroughly uneventful and saw me back in fort wayne around 9pm on the 2nd.


on thursday the 4th i made the trip to indy after work for a fucking RAWK CONCERT! YEAH!

Robbers on High Street opened up for Brendan Benson at Birdy's in indy.

ROHS were very cool and thoroughly rocked my ass.

After their set, I parked myself at BB's monitor and proceeded to rawk out for the evening, eventually snagging a setlist as such:

Between Us
Good To Me
I'm Blessed
Folk Singer
Get It Together
Feel Like Myself

Alternative To Love
What I'm Looking For
Cold Hands (Warm Heart)

Tiny Spark
Spit It Out
Insects Rule
You're Quiet

The setlist indicated that BB had planned to return for an acoustic encore of the following:

Jet Lag/Baby
No Dial Tone

But when BB reached the stage, the crowd wanted Sittin' Pretty, so he called back the band and they tore thru it. Second song of the encore was a Gram Parsons cover (Strong Boy? Yes or No?) and the show ended with No Dial Tone.

My first time seeing BB in a live setting, having wanted to for years and years without having a chance, and I left completely rocked and satisified!

Good stuff!


airline tickets were also purchased last week for my return to seattle for Bumbershoot over labor day's been a couple of years since my last trip out there, so i'm pretty fucking stoked to get back out there......

the rest of august = work......with a few movies thrown in for good measure.......then i'll be gearing up for seattle at the end of the month.........

bring on the fall!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

birdy's is cool, i saw super furry animals there...

10:00 AM  

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