Wednesday, January 25, 2006

nice guy eddie

R.I.P. Chris Penn.

Monday, January 23, 2006

it's about MORE than the butt sex, people!

as noted in previous posts, Brokeback Mountain opened in this fine city over the weekend and i caught a viewing.

i won't spoil it for those who have yet to see it and plan to see it, but the obvious question out there is "do they do it"?

yes, jake and heath (the actors) do it.
is it awkward?
sure, if you're really uncomfortable with same-sex situations, which i'm not.
which also begs the question: is prowse gay?
no, i'm not gay.
i've had sexual relations with some amazing women.
mom, if you're reading this, i'm awfully sorry.
but it was done out of love for the other person, as opposed to some nasty, drunken one-night-stand kind of action.

prowse digs the boobies.
but i'm also open minded and tolerant of the choices of others who may enjoy the company of the same sex.

this is taking a strange tangent, so i'll reel it back in.
get it?

overall, the movie is fucking GORGEOUS.
in the credits it noted alberta, which would make sense, with all the amazing shots of mountains and wide open spaces.

is the praise that's being heaped upon the movie warranted?
fuck yes.
and i'd like to thank the movie theatres of this city for bringing the potentially controversial movie to our screens so we can make up our own minds.

now go and make up your OWN minds.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

the cowboys have arrived.....

well shut my mouth!

i just checked the movie listings for this weekend and Brokeback Mountain is playing at one of our megaplexes!

looks like somebody in this town DOES have balls!

viva la cowboy sex!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

hot cowboy meat

so Brokeback Mountain won the top awards at the Golden Globes on Monday (if you consider best picture and best director the "top")'s a little difficult to agree with these honors when we don't even have the chance to view the movie......

say what you will about gay cowboys on the big screen, but i'd still like the chance to make up my own mind, ya dig?

indiana is a "red" state......extremely republican......which tends to mean very religious......which means homosexuality is clearly viewed as "wrong" and not what god i'll be very interested to see if Brokeback EVER opens in this area and what the response is......but until that time when a theatre stands up and takes the bullet, i'll continue to hear the praise heaped upon this movie and chuckle at how uptight the state of indiana is......not to mention the rest of this vast country.

viva la cowboy sex!

Monday, January 09, 2006


my saturday's are usually spent catching a matinee flick (or 3) at the local movie theatre, which of course means mingling with the mindless fucks doing their shopping and whatever else the mindless fucks do on saturdays.

the saturday of my birthday was no exception to my saturday ritual, even tho it might have been better spent hunkered down in my apartment, but where's the fun in that?

movie #1 was HOSTEL (which was a complete piece of shit, BTW.....and apparently it was the box office winner for the weekend) was showing in easily the largest stadium theatre in the complex, so i grabbed a spot somewhere near the lower tier, forgoing my usual routine of heading straight for the back, thinking there were ample seats for others to the mindless fucks start to filter in, some head for the seats further up, but i begin to notice some of the fucks congregating near my older couple sit right behind me, which i have to chuckle at......then these other dudes sit to my left, one chair over, and i'm like, what the fuck is this??......dude proceeds to remove his coat and stuff it in the chair next to us, releasing the aroma of cigarette smoke that's probably been collected in the material for who knows how fucking long.......GOOOOOOOOOOOD.

so not only was the movie a fucking turd, the whole "experience" just rubbed me the wrong way as's hoping movie #2 would make up for everything and set the birthday on the right track......

movie #2 was MUNICH (which fucking kicked major ass all the way around) and was a much smaller, cozier theatre, which i thot was fine, more of an art-house kinda vibe.......having the sting of the first movie experience still burning, i head straight for the back row, slightly to right side of the screen......and then the mindless fucks begin to filter in.......most of these folks are older couples, who probably remember the events of the Munich Olympics that make up the base story for the the place gets more crowded......seats are filling know where i'm going with this?

i'm in my seat and my coat is on my right......a couple take up shop 2 seats over to my left......then another couple take up shop 2 seats over to my far so good........then there are always the late fuckers who wander in, assuming they'll just drop into a prime the 2 open seats to my left are quickly snapped up by another couple.......GOOOOOD.......previews start and another older couple wander up and stand to my right.......didn't ask if the spots were open, didn't ask me if i could move my coat, dude just proceeds to hover his ass over the seat/coat, which of course forces me to plop it on my lap, with no armrests to call my own........FAWWWWWKKKKK.......happy birthday, mr. prowse.

the moral of the story?
don't sit next to me at the movie theatre.
find your own fucking space.
and if you get there too late, too fucking bad.

mindless fucking maggots.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

it's coming......

a new calendar year means another birthday.
saturday the 7th is mine.

my head's been all over the place this week, reflecting on years gone by, what's ahead, how much i've fucked up, how much i still need to do, blahblah blah blah blahblahblahblah.

based on the lack of christmas cards from folks that i care about, i doubt i'll see cards for the birthday either.


and as soon as i say that, my attitude changes again (like it normally does) and it becomes "fuck them"......i don't need their attention........i do shit my own way, to please myself.......

*woot woot*
