Monday, January 23, 2006

it's about MORE than the butt sex, people!

as noted in previous posts, Brokeback Mountain opened in this fine city over the weekend and i caught a viewing.

i won't spoil it for those who have yet to see it and plan to see it, but the obvious question out there is "do they do it"?

yes, jake and heath (the actors) do it.
is it awkward?
sure, if you're really uncomfortable with same-sex situations, which i'm not.
which also begs the question: is prowse gay?
no, i'm not gay.
i've had sexual relations with some amazing women.
mom, if you're reading this, i'm awfully sorry.
but it was done out of love for the other person, as opposed to some nasty, drunken one-night-stand kind of action.

prowse digs the boobies.
but i'm also open minded and tolerant of the choices of others who may enjoy the company of the same sex.

this is taking a strange tangent, so i'll reel it back in.
get it?

overall, the movie is fucking GORGEOUS.
in the credits it noted alberta, which would make sense, with all the amazing shots of mountains and wide open spaces.

is the praise that's being heaped upon the movie warranted?
fuck yes.
and i'd like to thank the movie theatres of this city for bringing the potentially controversial movie to our screens so we can make up our own minds.

now go and make up your OWN minds.


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