Monday, November 29, 2004

Michigan: Asshole of America

Like tens of millions of other travellers, I spent a considerable amount of time on the freeways over the American Thanksgiving holiday weekend. A large amount of that time was spent on the highways of Michigan, which continue to be the worst maintained roads I've run across.

What made it worse this year was the remnants of a winter storm that had blown thru Wednesday nite (Nov. 24). From East Lansing all the way thru Flint, which is approximately 1 hour of travel time, the roads were literally skating rinks. I counted at least a dozen cars off the road and into the ditch during this trip. In the end, their road maintenance was pretty unacceptable, especially considering it was a major holiday weekend and they KNEW traffic would be heavy.

But my favorite part of travel in Michigan is the drivers. Ohhhh yes, the drivers. Michigan drivers seem to think the inside passing lane is actually a second lane, made especially for them! They will cruise in that passing lane when there are no cars in the outside lane. And they rarely move over when a faster car approaches from behind. And do they maintain a relatively faster speed in that inside lane? Fuck no! They're usually barely going the speed limit, just happy to cruise along like it's their own lane!

And it wouldn't be a driving rant without a tip of the hat to all the soccer moms and their SUV's, barreling along without a care in the world, highly pissed if you don't clear a path for them in a timely manner.

Hey Michigan!
Fuck You!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as always a well said rant.uncle doug

5:19 PM  

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