Tuesday, February 14, 2006

in the pink

February 14.
Happy Valentine's Day, fuckers.

do i sound bitter?
sorry 'bout that.

i'm not bitter about being single.
no sir.
what i'm bitter about is the amount of attention paid to this day by society and the corporate world.

you're made to feel like a chump if you don't empty your wallet on this day for your sweetie.
but where the fuck were you the REST of the year?
why the fuck does this one day become so important?
why the fuck did you leave it to THIS day to show how much you enjoy being with that other person?

there's so much pressure and expectation heaped upon this day, it kinda makes me wanna puke.......all those single/lonely/desperate dudes out there like me, wallowing in the day, watching others around them getting cards, flowers, candy, phonecalls, blahblahblahlblahblah........it's been known to drive people to put a bullet in their brain.

(**disclaimer** the above statement does not reflect my current mental state.......i am sound in my thinking and have no intention of ending my life......i was merely trying to make a point.......that is all)

happy valentine's day, fuckers!!


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