Monday, March 21, 2005

this may take a while.....

the last few weeks have felt like my highschool years, when i was perpetually pissed off at everything......when i wanted to rip the fucking veins out of peoples necks.....

so i've tried to pinpoint the cause of this rage and it really points in one direction: my coworker.

i really dig my job - i really dig who i work for - and i generally dig who i work with.....i'm on a team of 3 guys, basically, with our specialty being food production plants and everything that go into designing/constructing said facilities......

we work our nuts off, juggling multiple projects in various states of design/construction, and that's always been the norm......i thrive on the pressure and the deadlines and the knowledge that we're producing not only great work, but also a pretty unique end product.....

i've never been afraid of hard work and i can usually depend on my other team guys to be doing the same......

but this coworker.....

this new guy.....

he's been on our team since october and i haven't really seen anything from him......and when i say see something, i mean going that extra mile to kick out a project......i know that being on this specialized team means bigger demands and more responsibility, but for some reason this new guy just hasn't picked up on it......

he sits directly across from me so i've been able to witness these wandering in around 8.30am......constantly making calls on his cellphone......and just the general vibe that "i'm just earning a paycheck".....

and what's finally got my fucking blood boiling is that he's been dicking away at some shite little project for the LAST 2 FUCKING WEEKS!......whereas i've had my hand in a good 6 or 8 different projects.....i just wanna smack the fucker and tell him to get his ass in gear!

but how do i do that without sounding like a whining prick?

how do i mention it to my boss without sounding like a jealous, overworked wanker?

our team of 3 went to lunch today and i was really really really fucking geared up to lay it all out on the table, but for whatever reason, getting me out of the office for that brief hour, seemed to calm me down......

but then i'm right back into the fire at the office, with projects and demands coming from every direction, and basically ended up leaving around 8pm......

and what's the coworker up to?
still fucking around with the same project.
and making calls on his cell.
and checking his standings in the college basketball pool.

have i just got a different work ethic than this prick?
am i overreacting to something i can't control?
or do i have a valid reason to mention it to my boss and team?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, lets see. Oh yes. I think I will go ahead and call the wam-bu-lence. Waaaaaaaaaah. So, i think your screwed whatever way you go about it. If he changes his ways you'll aways look at him different. Damages is done, ya know. So, good luck with that one. Going postal is over-rated so don't go that way. I have been mad since I was about three so I know what are you are saying. It prolly goes back to my up-bringing. Maybe the same for you I am not really sure since the most I have ever said to you is in these words right now. It seems to go that way tho you know, with the whole good worker bad worker deal. The good worker always seems to get hooked up with a bad one and then all hell breaks loose. There really isn't anything I can think of that will work. Not to say I am totally negitive about things like this but come on now. You go out with the guy for lunch or what not and the hope for a change will totally be there. Yet, if there is no change you will hate the guy sooo much more then before. If you go to your boss you will feel like less cause I can totally tell thats not what your about so throw that theory in the trash. I don't know man, Lost cause? Hmmmm....
I guess this didn't help at all. Not that you think your going to find an answer on a computer screen or anything. Anyway, Good luck. Are we alot alike or what? Not sure but the more I read this thing I think theres something. This is your cousin. Deal with it. Jc.

10:32 AM  

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